Custom Membrane Systems
Anode Cell Current Monitoring System
The Anode Cell CMS (Current Monitoring System) is designed to measure an individual anode cell’s amp draw and monitor the overall performance and efficiency of the anode cell over time.
cms features and benefits
The CMS allows users to monitor the amp draw of individual TechCELLs, an indicator of TechCELL performance and condition. Monitoring TechCELL performance will assist in determining ideal configuration, and prevent product defects occurring in the paint bath. The analog model displays all amperage readings on individual analog meters on the panel while the PLC based model (displays all readings on an HMI.
analog cms
The analog model (Figure 1) allows the user to monitor individual TechCELL amp draw simultaneously through analog meters mounted on the enclosure.
easy installation
No modification required for existing systems. The shunt sensors can be installed directly between the TechCELL and rectifier using existing quick connects.
how it works
Power from the rectifier passes through the shunt prior to entering the TechCELL and the resulting voltage drop across the shunt can then be measured and used to calculate amperage.
The signal from the shunt is then processed, and converted to amperage readings on the analog gauges or recorded into the PLC and displayed on the HMI.
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