Synder Filtration Awarded with CalCompetes Tax Credit!

We are pleased to announce that Synder Filtration has been selected by the GO-Biz committee as one of 90 recipients of the CalCompetes tax credit award. This credit is awarded to companies who plan a 5-year investment in both infrastructure and personnel. It will allow small businesses such as us, to further invest in California and maintain a competitive stance in a globally innovative field.

This year, GO-Biz has approved $69 Million in tax credits for over 90 companies, which will add over 6,200 jobs in California, along with $1.2 billion worth of new capital equipment investments across the state. It will encourage companies to stay and expand their manufacturing businesses in California. Since the creation of the tax credit by Governor Brown in 2013, GO-Biz has allocated over $620 million to over 850 companies that are expected to create over 80,000 new jobs and provide $15.7 billion in new investments.

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